DAY 2: Bangkok and
After a wonderful breakfast (yet, sadly, without bacon) in the hotel, I
left to go sight-see. I first caught the Sky Train down to the
River Ferry. The River Ferry is like a bus on water. It has
several stations all up and down both sides of the river, and you pay
based on the distance you're going. Of course, you're not paying
that much, since Thailand is incredibly cheap. In fact, I think
you get more for your money there than in Egypt. But that is
neither here nor there. I hopped on the River Ferry and got off
at the station for Wat Pho and the Grand Palace.

A random cool view from the River
A River Ferry station
When I got off the boat, I walked across the street from the station
and entered the Wat Pho complex. This complex contains several
Buddhist structures, and is also famous both for containing the largest
Reclining Buddha in Thailand as well as the highest number of Buddha
images in Thailand. And the complex itself is pretty big--20
acres. When I entered the grounds, I was struck by how ornate and
beautiful everything was. Everything was done in such detail, and
done well. Also, unlike most Egyptian tourist attractions (and
many American ones), there wasn't trash all over the ground everywhere.
Now, about that Reclining Buddha--that is one big statue. When
you enter the building where he is, his head is right there on the
left. I was so overwhelmed by how big it was that I actually did
a double-take! And when I say "big," here are this Buddha's
stats: 46 meters long and 15 meters high. (For those of you
who think in feet, that's about 150 feet long and 50 feet high.)
The statue is gold-plated, and the soles of his feet are engraved with
mother-of-pearl decoration showing the 108 (any Lost fans out there?) auspicious
characteristics of the Buddha.

Wat Pho--click the pic for more
The Reclining Buddha--click the pic for more
After seeing Wat Pho, which at that point was probably one of the most
beautiful non-natural places I'd ever seen, I was so impressed that I
was sure it coudn't get any better than that. I could not have
been more wrong, because the next place I went was the Grand Palace
Complex. There are simply no words to describe the ornate beauty
of that place, so I will just say that it was stunningly, unbelievably,
overwhelmingly lovely. There were audible "oohs" and "ahs" from
everyone as we passed through the main entrance--stepping into an
ornate, colorful, bejeweled world that is so perfect you would think
Walt Disney had created it. I mean, the buildings literally
gleamed and glistened in the sun, with the gold and jewels taking on
different hues and different levels of brightness with every different
viewing angle. I spent so long there gawking at all the buildings
with all their intricate details that I was almost late meeting my taxi
to the cruise ship! And I didn't even get through the whole
complex! Not knowing what a special place this was, I had only
allotted myself two hours there. BIG MISTAKE--I could easily have
spent all day.
The Grand Palace Complex was established in 1782 and contains the royal
residence along with several other structures. From what I
understand, the king no longer lives in this palace, but certain
ceremonies are still held here. The complex also contains several
temples. One temple houses the highly-revered Emerald Buddha (who
is actually made of jade). This particular Buddha statue is
considered so holy that no one is allowed to take pictures of it.
And when the Thais say no pictures, they mean it. It's not the
wink-wink nudge-nudge kind of a policy like it is in Egypt. The
Thais actually have people watching all the tourists, and if they
suspect anyone of having taken a picture, they will look through all
the pictures on your digital camera to make sure there are no
prohibited pictures on there. I don't know what they do for
people with film cameras, but I wouldn't want to find out the hard way!

Click here to enter the Grand Palace
Complex with the school kids
Click here for more from the Grand Palace
After reluctantly leaving the Grand Palace, I made it to my taxi just
in time. We drove down to the port and I got my first view of the
Pacific Princess! It was
so exciting that I just had to take a picture:

I proceeded to check in and then I embarked the ship! I took this
embarkation photo with some lovely Thai ladies:

I made my way up to my room, which was the nicest place I'd stayed in
since the Zambezi Sun (the nice hotel near Victoria Falls). I
made easy friends with my cabin steward, in part because I could
pronounce her name. It was Moicza (pronounced "Moytza") and she
was from Slovakia. She was such a lovely person and we always
looked forward to seeing each other every day.
After exploring the ship and grabbing some free food (hey, that's what
cruising's all about, right?), I relaxed in my room and turned on the
TV for a bit to catch some news. It was nice to have a TV again,
if only for 17 days and with a limited number of channels. Well,
when I turned on CNN, what city do you think they were talking
about? That's right--Bangkok! That was the day that they
arrested the man who confessed to Jon Benet Ramsey's murder. (He
later turned out NOT to be the murderer, of course.) I tell you,
the news just follows me!
When we sailed away, I was able to snap this picture of the Bangkok

Stay tuned for Day 3. It's a Sea Day, so the pictures will just
be of the boat and my wonderful dinner tablemates, but it's still good
DAY 3: Sea Day
DAY 1: Arrival in Bangkok
Southeast Asia
Wandering Penguin