This is the fence blocking off the WTC area. This is as close as anyone who wasn't actually working at the site could get, so all of our pictures are taken through the fence.

Click below to see our pictures of Ground Zero (there are no captions):

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This is the fence in front of St. Paul's Chapel (part of Trinity Church), across the street from the viewing area. Many different groups from various places have left t-shirts (or other items representing their groups), and they have all written notes on these items. The fence is longer than you can see in this picture, and the outpouring of human love represented there is a powerful sight. To see the pictures on Trinity Church's site of the tributes and memorials, click here.

"Miserable Failure"
"Compustar Systems, Inc."
"Compustar scam"
"Compustar fraud"
"Compustar toner"